Dear Friends,

Thank you very much again for your continued prayers. With continued ability to move forward with exercise etc day by day and with the use of the “3 Ball Spirometer” as a lung exerciser that I was provided with at the hospital, it seems clear that there has been continued restoration of active lung capacity as the recuperation process continues. Nevertheless some head stitches will need to be removed soon, I believe, and your continued prayers are sought for such healing of external wounds as may yet be incomplete.

With this in mind I have asked Mr. Peter to officiate again at Morning Prayer on Sunday the 7th November (the 23rd Sunday after Trinity) beginning at 10 a.m., which he has kindly agreed to. Win and I aim to be present as last week. Apart from a preparatory blood test my next appointment with the specialist will be on the 8th.

The Collect for the 23rd Sunday after Trinity is

GOD, our refuge and strength, who art the author of all godliness: Be ready, we beseech thee, to hear the devout prayers of thy Church; and grant that those things which we ask faithfully we may obtain effectually; through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

The petition is that “God, our refuge and strength” may out of His authorship “of all godliness” be ready to “hear the devout prayers of thy Church”. Whether such prayers are first expressed in writing by Archbishop Cranmer or whether they derive from the pre-Cranmerian English or Latin Church is never an issue with the Collects: they were and are an expression of the true faith of the true and universal Church of our Lord Jesus Christ on earth. “Through Jesus Christ our Lord" we fervently pray that “those things which we ask faithfully we may obtain effectually”, and are confident that God the great fortress will not only hear but also grant such faithful prayers, no matter from which mansion of the great Body of the Lord they may spring.

Mr. Peter will kindly order the service of Morning Prayer on Sunday, which will be in the customary place and time unless he instructs otherwise.

In faith in the holy Name of our Lord Jesus, who will continue to provide guidance to us all.

+ Nicholas