Dear Friends,


I’d like very much to encourage you again to respond to my various questions that are set out from time to time in these letters, and of course to what you can see on the website . I do  appreciate that my correspondents here in Cayman have lots to do: I too find the days are filling up even as my wife and I are nominally retired. Anyway let me give what the youngsters are calling a “shout-out” to our good friend Father Jim Krawchuk in British Columbia who has given an excellent answer to a question I gave after Evening Prayer last Sunday about the quotation from Richard Hooker (an extremely famous Elizabethan Anglican) that now appears on the website. 

That was an “off the cuff” project that I gave out after Evening Prayer. All are now invited to join in. It is this: Find the quotation from Richard Hooker on the website Front Page, tell me or write me what it is and what your thoughts are about it (e.g. Do you agree with it?).


As mentioned in my last letter (sent Apr 28), while our way out of the covid pandemic is most widely seen as one of vaccination acceptance, we should not neglect another “flank” of the battle, which is seeming to be of increasing importance to recognise. This is the importance of the use of proven treatments using Ivermectin and other products and combinations. I do especially emphasize the use of Ivermectin because the major regulators have appeared to discard any overt opposition some of them have formerly had to its use, owing to real indications of its effectiveness in prevention of covid infection and even in healing covid-infected persons. It should also be inexpensive. I do not know whether the pharmacies here carry the product or whether they are allowed to. Since the regulators have dropped their opposition to it, the pharmacies here should have it available for use. 

One gets the impression sometimes that to raise this issue at all is frowned on. If so, this is absolutely wrong and that condition should be cured immediately. That is exactly the kind of thing that can contribute to making many people suspicious of the vaccination and the motives of those who support vaccination and promote it. People will then become more inclined to ask themselves: If they want to suppress Ivermectin, an inexpensive drug with proven benefits, do they actually want to heal us at all, and if not, what do they really intend for us by the vaccinations? 

These are things I believe the authorities too need to consider very seriously and urgently in their approach to this matter. In this context let me also refer readers to and  . (These videos either are or will shortly be also linked from the website.)


The Collect for Sunday to Wednesday in the week of the fifth Sunday after Easter is

O Lord, from whom all good things do come: Grant to us thy humble servants, that by thy holy inspiration we may think those things that be good, and by thy merciful guiding may perform the same; through our Lord Jesus Christ. Amen.

Sunday is called Rogation Sunday (from the Latin rogare = to ask), and Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday after Rogation Sunday have commonly been called Rogation Days. During this period (called Rogationtide) there are still in various places processions of church congregations around the parish boundaries of the churches and an activity called “beating the bounds”. The “good things” that come to us and which the Collect ascribes to the Lord are “that by thy holy inspration we may think those things that be good”, following which “by thy merciful guiding (we) may perform the same”. As always in the Collects, such benefits are divinely granted “through our Lord Jesus Christ.” In Rogationtide we think of the special preparation given to the Lord’s disciples before His Ascension, give thanks for His good gifts of Good News, and pray for the continuing good gifts of His holy inspiration from His heavenly throne, setting in this context the prayers we may have for our own particular concerns and needs.

Thursday next week is Ascension Day, and the Collect for this day for the remainder of the week is

Grant, we beseech thee, Almighty God, that like as we do believe thy only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ to have ascended into the heavens; so we may also in heart and mind thither ascend, and with him continually dwell, who liveth and reigneth with thee and the Holy Ghost, one God, world without end. Amen.

This is a prayer for the uniting of our “heart and mind” with the “only-begotten Son our Lord Jesus Christ” and a continual dwelling with him, even in His ascended glory, notwithstanding our own temporarily continuing earthly state. 


For directions about the services this Sunday the 9th May, Rogation Sunday, please see the website  .

In the most gracious and holy Name of the Lord Jesus,

Bishop Nicholas